Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eulogy - for and by me.

One Halloween my men's group met around a black draped box with candle light, to each present our own eulogy, as if we had died and were being buried.

This is mine.
Richard once said he wanted to be really good at at least one thing. 

He lied. 

When he graduated highschool 63rd out of a class of 125 students (exactly in the middle) he took that as a touchstone for his life. 

He strove to be: 
the very worst of the best half, and 
the very best of the worst half. 

You could say he strove to achieve perfect mediocrity.

Today you may sniffle and wimper if you must. Richard relished indulging his own self pity, and his capacity and appreciation for it would never deny you yours on this special occasion. 

The truth is that Richard's life was blessed beyond anything he ever might have done to earn it. Blessed beyond his capacity to foresee or expect it coming. Blessed wider and deeper than his poor abilities to appreciate or comprehend. 

His blessing was you; his friends, his family, his loved ones, and the wonder of the creation he was born into. 

But he wasted his gifts; watched too much TV, saw too many movies, drove too many miles, made too many phone calls, drank too many sodas, ate too many candybars, and stared too long at computer screens.

The best that can be said of him is that he passed himself off (for a while) as a grower of  fruits and vegetables. 

We bury him today so he may become some. 

Of course: I've been wrong before . . . Holiday468x60banner

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