Monday, September 3, 2012

Grange Burning: A One Eyed Perception of a Conflagration

This this is my personal response to what I believe to be the latest letter from the National Grange Master - sent to a (select?) few Masters of the California Grange as part of the second and ongoing attempt by National to unseat California's State Grange Master.

In my opinion, such heavy handed draconian actions speak of a great deficiency of traditional Grange leadership at the National level. This is not stewardship. Each of these two sacking attempts reek of outright viciousness and political revenge for Grange election failures by those who seek control outside the election process, and who's effect will be toward inculcating top down control over the local, regional and State Granges. I feel California Master Bob McFarland's greatest crime seems to be winning two elections that first defeated and then rejected re-election of a past State Master with close ties to the National Grange leadership.

In full light of my prejudice, I have some questions who's answers could alter my view:

In this second attempt at unseating the California State Master: Who was the National Grange Officer who "does not serve on the Executive Committee who investigated the charges?" mentioned above?

And of the first attempt to remove the California State Master:

  • Who were the "Three past State Grange Masters" who "made up the Arbitration panel and were able to find no resolution to the issues and determined that the charges had merit."?  
  • And who were the "Trial Court of three past State Grange Masters made up the Court Panel and conducted the Grange Trial."? 
  • Were they picked or screened for their objective view? 
  • Or did they have something at stake themselves - irons in the fire - burning issues of their own to settle and were they hand picked for that reason? 
  • If not - what steps were taken to see that they were impartial?
These are questions that Grange Members should have answers to.

For myself, I believe these acts by National are a strategic and premeditated, and perhaps funded political attack against an extremely popular and very effective State Master.  As you can tell, I find it increasingly frustrating  to maintain any kind of open mindedness toward the draconian actions of a handful of people in our State and National Grange organization. (And I would love to see a reasonable - face saving way for all concerned out of this mess.)

In my opinion, with what information I have gleaned, Bob McFarland has performed an outstanding job as State Master and has dedicated his waking hours far beyond the call of duty to successfully support local Grangers across the state who are activating, renewing and rebuilding the grange organization, maintaining and improving halls, and rebuilding and stimulating membership growth in an organization that has been in decline for decades. Want to see what a State Grange can do with a State Master like that? Read the California Grange Newsletters! (While they are still up.) Absolutely remarkable!

Saying that: I welcome and will post - with thanks - any contrary or alternative view submitted and signed by any Brother or Sister Granger of any rank from any State.

More personal perspective to follow.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Agrarian Boot Camp. (ABC): Part 1 : Why?

This is Part 1 . ----------------Go to Part 2--------------Go to Part 3

Increasingly the Health and Nutrition Specialists are turning to Certified Farmers Markets, CSA's, Farmers Market, Local Food Hubs, as major lifestyle and policy promotion remedies for the Obesity and Diabetes Pandemic in the US. 

At the same time, every year the number of Certified Farmers Markets increases and the average age of the farmer also increases.

The average age of the American Farmer is 57 (63 for Black Americans).

The ratio of farmers 55 and older to 35 and younger is 18 to 1. Half of all American Farmers are expected to retire in the next 10 years.

So the solution to our country's health problems is increasingly rested on the shoulders of a system in serious decline.

All these trends point to a critical need for getting young people (up to age 50) into field to table based food production systems. (Farmers Markets, CSA, Farm Stands, Food Hubs, etc.) 

Hence the need for an Agrarian Boot Camp. (ABC) Click on the link to find out more.

This is Part 1 . ----------------Go to Part 2--------------Go to Part 3

Agrarian Boot Camp. (ABC): Part 2 : Where?

Go to Part 1 . ----------------This is Part 2--------------Go to Part 3

The Sacramento River Watershed contains one of the most diverse and rich agricultural areas in the world. 
Shaped like a Grizzly Bear with a Salmon in its mouth, the Sacramento River Watershed

With rich alluvial soils in the valley that streach over 150 miles long, this watershed includes foothill and mountain regions that host a cornucopia of climates, ecological niches, resources as well as challenges. 

This Agrarian Boot Camp (ABC) involves riding down the spine of the Grizzly on Bikes or Kayaks, from Redding to Sacramento 165 miles as the crow flies and straddling the Sacramento River. 

Each trip will take 3 weeks.

Grange Halls and Farms will serve as base camps along the way.

And we will end at the California State Grange Offices in Sacramento with a focus on Food and Health Policy development and deployment for local sustainable food systems.

This intensive 3 week boot camp experience will serve to boot strap and kick start new farmer/ranchers through an immersive agrarian exploration of resources and possibilities to spawn a desperately needed new generation of American Farmer/Ranchers.

Agrarian Boot Camp (ABC): What is it? Part 3

Go to Part 1 . ----------------Go to Part 2--------------This is Part 3

Trial Run of
Ride the Grizzly
Agrarian Boot Camp (ABC)

for New or Beginning Farmers/Ranchers (NewFRs)

The Vision

To Create a Boot Camp Intensive Learning Model

that will Launch the careers of hundreds of

New and Beginning American Farmers.

Trial Run: Boot Camp Agrarian (hereafter referred to as "ABC") creates a working-model-network of supportive connections between middle school, high school, college and university agriculture programs, and links them with experienced Farmer/Rancher Mentors in the Northern Sacramento Valley of California and elsewhere, in order  to catalyze rapid response apprenticeship and support networks and programs for new farmers between the ages of 13 to 50 - across the country - in order to supply direct field-to-table food delivery systems (such as Farmers Markets, CSA's Local Food Hubs, Farm Stands etc.) with trustworthy and responsive farmers/ranchers to heal environmental injury while providing for the needs of  locally based, health promoting, sustainable food systems.

At this point of critical transition, Trial Run 2012 - ABC will reconnoiter and plan toward a series of 3 week intensive Farm experiences involving biking and kayaking down the Sacramento River Valley in groups of about 35 each, starting in June of 2013 at Shasta Lake in Redding, California and ending at the Office of the State Grange in the State Capital of Sacramento California,

Trial Run 2012 - ABC will assess the resources and needs of the adventure of herding such a covey of participants, identifying teachers and mentors, references, music and entertainment community interaction opportunities, assessing needs, identifying obstacles and strategizing on how to overcome them, and mapping the logistics along a route ending 165 miles south of the starting point. 

ABC expects to be a dynamic catalyst for spawning personal visions while precipitating personalized access  and road maps toward making those visions reality for New and Beginning Farmers/Ranchers (hereafter and herein referred to as "NewFRs") across a broad range of Agrarian career and lifestyle possibilities.

Initial Conceptual Patterns

Bike/Kayak/ distances will be 20 to 40 miles each day not counting Public Transit.

There will be a stream of early morning and early evening classes utilizing both workbooks, and guest instructors and advisors including self guided study on a variety of topics including but not limited to:
  1. Food Production,
  2. Food Handling,, Preparation, and Marketing,
  1. Farm Planning,
  2. Bee and Book Keeping, (little joke)
  3. Land Acquisition Opportunities and Financing,  
  4. Ag Tourism
  5. Grange History, Tradition, Rituals, and Laws and the Grange Resolution Process,
  6. Political and Policy Advocacy
  7. Farming and Ranching Models such as CSA, Farmers Market, Food Hubs, Produce Stands
  8. Wildlife Conservation,
  9. Permaculture,
  10. Composting, Biochar, and Organic soil amendments
  11. Soils and Irrigation Practice and Design,
  12. Organic Farming Practices,
  13. Meal and Value Added Food Preparation, Cooking, & Nutrition.
  14. Tool and Equipment knowledge, acquisition, and maintenance.

NewFRs will have demonstrated and expressed their desire to become direct marketing farmers/ranchers and will attend the ABC without fees. (at an estimated cost of $1,000 each) Scholarship Sponsor Mentors are encouraged to join in the journey as they can.

NewFRs will be encouraged to secure up to 3 Personal Farmer/Rancher Mentors.(Hereafter referred to as PerFRs - no just kidding! - this is starting to get out of hand) Participants will be presented with a t-shirt of a different color for each Mentor they secure.

Green for 1 Mentor
Pink for 2
Yellow for 3

The colors reflecting the 3 Graces of the Grange.

All Participants will be presented with opportunities to perform several hours of community service each week doing painting, minor repair, landscape maintenance, and/or break ground on community or student garden projects, or provide other service for their host neighborhoods.

Evenings will be spent mingling with the community sharing food, watching agricultural/food production videos (public invited) and participating in community based group discussion and examination of food related transition and sustainability issues., preparing potluck meals under the supervision of chefs, nutritionists, food safety specialists, and experienced foodies as well as drumming singing and dancing.

Hands-on experience based learning opportunities will include opportunities for, whole food baking, canning, steaming, pressure cooking, stir frying, grilling, and raw foods preparation,

and emphasize environmental health safety practice
in home and commercial kitchens
and at outdoor special events.

Four days a week are structured.

Monday – Thursday:

After and early breakfast of whole foods including plenty of slow burning complex carbohydrates, participants would scatter out from the Grange Hall base camps on bikes or kayaks and using Public Transit as available and appropriate - or a combination of the three - carrying sack lunches. Each individual would have the option of visiting a wide variety of farming/ranching operations according to the path of their individual interests before regrouping at the next base camp Grange Hall. (Some Base Camps might be set up on the River.)

Evenings would be spent for classes, meal preparation, socializing with the community through public showings of video, talent shows, public discussions, music, and dancing.

Three days a week are self directed.

Fridays – Sundays:

Using information, contacts and experiences from the weeks adventures they would be free to taste  Farms/Ranches participation by, assisting existing farm operations with harvests, selling with farmers at farmers markets with farm stays, studying, resting, or recreating on the river, hiking canyons, biking.

Participants may chose more private time using the base camps as their base of self directed exploration.

The Fourth Sunday will be reserved for a Graduation Confluence Potluck with all participants and local community invited to celebrate.

What Participants can Expect!

ABC  emphasizes Healthy Lifestyle Promotion.

Participants can expect to eat really healthy food, and be really physically active.

If you are overweight expect to lose weight.
If you are underweight expect to gain weight
Expect to see significant overall health improvements.

First week will likely be grueling,
second week you will find a second wind,
third week expect to fly.

Besides the t-shirts each  NewFR receives for securing Mentors, upon completion of  ABC each will receive a certificate of completion from the California State Grange and appropriate High School, College, and/or University Credit as can be arranged. These Participants will also be offered a 2 year Grange Membership Scholarship and Commendation to any existing Grange in the USA from the State Master.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

To Reduce Childhood Type 2 Diabetes

My resolution, submitted at the 2009 California State Grange Convention, considered and tabled due to a misunderstanding that Type 2 Diabetes, commonly called "Adult Onset Type Diabetes" is now commonly manifesting itself in early and pre-teens - was passed unanimously I was told early in the convention the following year. 
Title:  Support Of Adapting Measures To Reduce Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
Proposed By:  Chico Grange #486
Whereas:  Type 2 diabetes in those under 20 was uncommon 40 years ago: and
Whereas:  Type 2 diabetes devastates a large and growing percentage of children and their families; and
Whereas:  Today, over 50% of American’s school age children are overweight, significantly elevating risk and rate of type 2 diabetes; and
Whereas:  Type 2 diabetes prevention relates directly to the accessibility and consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts in conjunction with adequate exercise; therefore
Resolved::  The California State Grange and National Grange support creative and practical personal, local, state & national health re-vitalization actions and policies to reduce the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and obesity through promotion of healthy lifestyle practices.