Sunday, November 6, 2022

Variations on Letters to Editors: Parts Per Million

It is ironically noteworthy that citizens within our communities contributing the least to the tragedies we shall soon endure are homeless. 

 I was born in 1951. That year the parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 312. 312 is 32 ppm more than the stable climate that birthed the industrial revolution (about 280 ppm). Today, the ppm in the atmosphere is about 416. What this means is that three quarters of the damage to the atmosphere has happened in my lifetime. Half the damage was caused in the last thirty five years. 

That humans have brought us to this point means humans can do something about it. But today we live on a strange new planet. For the next handful of generations, our now estranged planet will become more and more inhospitable to us. But we have an opportunity to limit the worst from getting awful. 

If we are to maintain a climate on earth that preserves a semblance of human culture and holds the prospect of lasting peace and true prosperity, we must make radical adjustments to how we live. Chico and Butte County is a good place to start. 

Science makes for a good reference. We can do so much better than we have, but we need innovative and civil discussions and actions to re-Geo-engineer our culture to one that dives deep for insights into the ecology of our planet and is gentle to our neighbors. Research, reflect, speak, act and vote. 

How many parts per million of CO2 were in the atmosphere when you were born? 

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