My resolution, submitted at the 2009 California State Grange Convention, considered and tabled due to a misunderstanding that Type 2 Diabetes, commonly called "Adult Onset Type Diabetes" is now commonly manifesting itself in early and pre-teens - was passed unanimously I was told early in the convention the following year.
Title: Support Of Adapting Measures To Reduce Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
Proposed By: Chico Grange #486
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes in those under 20 was uncommon 40 years ago: and
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes devastates a large and growing percentage of children and their families; and
Whereas: Today, over 50% of American’s school age children are overweight, significantly elevating risk and rate of type 2 diabetes; and
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes prevention relates directly to the accessibility and consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts in conjunction with adequate exercise; therefore
Resolved:: The California State Grange and National Grange support creative and practical personal, local, state & national health re-vitalization actions and policies to reduce the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and obesity through promotion of healthy lifestyle practices.
Title: Support Of Adapting Measures To Reduce Childhood Type 2 Diabetes
Proposed By: Chico Grange #486
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes in those under 20 was uncommon 40 years ago: and
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes devastates a large and growing percentage of children and their families; and
Whereas: Today, over 50% of American’s school age children are overweight, significantly elevating risk and rate of type 2 diabetes; and
Whereas: Type 2 diabetes prevention relates directly to the accessibility and consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts in conjunction with adequate exercise; therefore
Resolved:: The California State Grange and National Grange support creative and practical personal, local, state & national health re-vitalization actions and policies to reduce the occurrence of type 2 diabetes and obesity through promotion of healthy lifestyle practices.